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.Lumen circular compact fluorescent light halo attachment for VR avatars. Unitypackage contains prefabs for 9 color options + flickering versions. ## SPECIFICATIONS ## ‣ Tris: 4264 ‣ Materials: 1 ‣ Textures: 6 or 7* ‣‣ Color, Emission Mask, Metallic Mask, Normal, Smoothness, Matcap, Flicker Map* ‣ Blendshapes: 1 ‣ Bones: 16 ‣ PhysBone components: 6 ‣ PhysBone transforms: 21 * Flickering prefab uses additional texture to drive flicker in material. ## REQUIREMENTS ## ‣ lilToon shader: https://lilxyzw.github.io/lilToon ## HOW TO USE ## ‣ Import Unitypackage into your Unity project. ‣ Naviage to _eclipsed/_Lumen/ folder. ‣ Open "Prefab-Flicker" or "Prefab-Static" folder. ‣ Select one of the prefabs and drag it into hierarchy. ‣ Place prefab inside your avatar's head bone: ‣‣ Armature > Hips > Spine > Chest > Neck > Head ‣ Adjust position/rotation/scale to your liking. ## VERSION HISTORY ## ‣ Mar-19-23 v.1.00 ‣‣ Initial release ## LICENSE ## ‣ This asset is provided as-is without warranty or support. ‣ Reselling and redistributing this asset, parts of it, or modifications of it is prohibited. ‣ Modifying this asset for personal use is allowed. ‣ Using this asset for commissions is allowed if recipient has purchased this asset. ‣ Using this asset for public avatars is allowed. ‣ Using this asset for sensitive and/or explicit content is allowed. ## CONTACT ## X/Twitter: @eclipsedVR